Sunday, November 10, 2013

Event : Hellofest9

Hellow today I report Hellofest9 event! 

Sebelumnya yang belum tau Hellofest itu apa? Hellofest adalah ajang kreativitas tingkat nasional bagi pecinta anime atau manga yang berkumpul pada event ini. Bukan hanya bisa memperagakan kostumnya masing-masing, tetapi juga ada ada kegiatannya, seperti Ajang film pendek  (Hellofest Movies Competition, Kostumasa (Istilah untuk pengunjung yang menggunakan kostum), dan juga ada Pasar Hellofest (Berubungan dengan kreativitas yang dijual).
This event located at Kolam Renang Senayan Jakarta. Berbeda dengan tahun lalu yang diadakan di Balai kartini dan ruangan Indoor, kali ini Hellofest diadakan outdoor, tepatnya diluar kolam renang senayan. Kebayang kan besar nya lapangan di luar kolam renang? hihi..

Menurutku tahun lalu para peserta kostumasa di Hellofest sangaaat banyak, jadi untuk ukuran Balai Kartini aja kurang cukup. Nah kali ini para pesertanya makin keren-keren dari segi kostum dan make up nya. 

Event kali ini diadakan selama dua hari yaitu tepatnya tanggal 9 November 2013 - 10 November 2013. Nah kali ini aku juga ikutan dengan gaya Gyaru style. 

Yuk kita intip apa aja yang ada di Hellofest  

Para peserta sedang membuat Grafiti Enjoy Jakarta
 Ada Live Show
Masuk ke tenda-tenda yang ada di daerah tersebut, di dalamnya terdapat pasar-pasar yang dijual, ada boneka, ada boneka, poster-poster anime, pin, komik asli Jepang, miniatur dan yang lainnya.


Ini yang aku tunggu-tunggu, yaitu berburu makanan jepaaang. haiyaah
Bukan cuma para kostumasa aja yang bercosplay, tetapi para penjual makanan pun juga ikutan cosplay lho. kawaii

Yuyuk liat para Kostumasa yang aku temui di setiap jalan disekitaran luar kolam renang senayan ini. Happy watching. :D

Really great moment I can see many cosplayer on that stage, and I wiil be at there on next event. So if you guys have event too about japan,  let me now to report your event.
Bye bye

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween Look : Shiira Doll ~~~


Happy Halloween everyone!! :D

Yesterday I'm going to mall, and I see many employee in a store especially make up store stand with make up halloween. That's really great time I can see view like that, and I'm really interested to using make up halloween too. So I'm thinking to be a zombie, and I trying making that look. For Zombie look I'm using white creamy foundation, first time I think that's good, but being disappointed. The foundation not coverage my face, and texture was very thin. :(

Not creapy hah... xoxo 

 Acctually creamy foundation can't cover all over face to making white face like zombie, so I think the best way is wearing face painting. 

What I'm Wearing ?
PAC Creamy Foundation
Revlon Eyeshadow
Maybeline Eyeliner
NYX Lipstick
Cheap eyelashe  :D 

More good if I edit the picture. hoho :p 

Because I was not satisfied with this make up, I'm try again with another look. And now I'm not be creepy again, I choose pretty look for Halloween make up. Wearing max factor flawless foundation and I make up be a doll, so this is my doll look

  What I'm Wearing ?
Max Factor Concealer
Max Factor Foundation
Viva Eyebrow Pencil
Maybeline Eyeliner
Eyelashe Dolly Wink lower  
The Body Shop Blush on

Now I'm choose beeing doll, I'm using eyeliner maybeline for making line on my lips and I apply Pink eyeshadow for make more look doll and brown eyeshadow for make my eyes look more bigger. And final touch up with pink blush on. So this is my simply dolly look, I make it with GIF picture. ;)

Follow me on twitter @shiiradoll 
Trick or Treat!

Thank you for reading ;)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

How Polish Nail Without mess

Today I want to share about how to polish my nail without mess, this is my friend request.  Thank's for the request dila. :)

I often discuss about nail art and I love to experiment using different colors of nail polish. With a few brands that I try, there are easy to apply, and there is hard. Indeed not all polish are easy to apply because some of nail polish clump or too thin. And I have to polish myself without mess, sometimes I do it slowly with trembling hands. Do you ever feel? Lol :D

Steps to nail polish like a pro start with a clean nail, apply base coat helps the polish stick to my nail and last longer. And apply a drop of polish at the center of the nail and move brush upwards making a straight line till the end of nail. Go back to the base of the nail and swipe the polish. And then keep dragging the polish until the whole side of the nail is covered. Do it with carefully if you keep dragging many times in the same place will make a nail polish clump and mess.
Other way when nail polish mess is clean up the mess using a cotton make up. With sharp points that could help lift nail polish mess from between the cuticle.

Second way If you don't troubled to remove nail polish is just prepare tape and scissors. Use tape to wrap cuticle and then apply nail polish to the nail, wait for it to dry and open the tape. You just add nail art that you can do, like love, or ribbon.


So this is my way get great nail polish, the materiel are so affordable and that's materiel there is usually have.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Etude House Ice Cream Nail Polishes Banana, Blue Mint and Green Apple

 Finally this is I wait for, Sweet Recipe Ice Cream from Etude House are launched! I was waiting for the coming of these products. The first time I see this nail polish is because the colors really pretty and soft, so I decide to buy it.  As I see, all the colors I wanted so, but I could buy only three nail polishes. And take it home nail polish blue mint, banana, and green apple. :D

Packaging is made like Ice cream with shape Ice cone, really want  make me to eat. Yummy.. lol

About the prices are fairly spend of money, if buy with normal prices, but wort it with this nail polish. Easy to apply, clump and I don't need to apply two times. So I recommend to buy it. :D

Monday, October 14, 2013

Party Time

Heloo there.. 
A few weeks a go I've got invitation from Monolog Coffee for their opening party. First time I came to monolog with my friend merry, I like with the service, their are really kindly and the food are good. And the invitation come with theme "Local People's Party"Monolog launch first place at Street Gallry 1st Fl Pondok Indah Mall 1.  Performing DJ too and I got free flow canape and Monolog dairiquiri. :D

 Canape and Monolog dairiquiri by Monolog.

I think that's really great moment to party, and event are getting hot at midnight. Thank you for the invitation Monolog. :D

two days laters I got invitation again from my friend, that is Fashion show Brooks Brother. hoho 
The model are really great, and very