Friday, February 28, 2014

IBB Make Up Challenge February 2014 : Summer Fairytale Look


IBB (Indonesian Beauty Blogger) setiap bulannya selalu mengadakan beauty challenge untuk para beauty blogger Indonesia.
Nah Ini pertama kalinya aku ikut IBB Makeup Competition Challenge, aku sangat tertarik
dengan tema bulan ini, yaitu "SUMMER FAIRYTALE"

IBB Makeup Challenge bulan ini bekerjasama dengan Etude House.

Apa sih Fairytale dibenakku?
Sempet bingung juga, apa ya fairytale, aku kepikiran dengan wanita berkulit putih, menggunakan sayap, matanya yang cantik dan berbalut pakaian yang cantik dengan fairy dust. Hmm.. Let me see

Yuk dimulai ceritanya..

Dear Diary,

This is my first story for being a Fairy with my dust,and then make it real. Xoxo

So today I made simple fairytale makeup look it's easy to try it at home.Acctually I'm really like flower and cause fairy really fits with flower, so I'm using a flower as a concept, that's can makes feminin look.

I Hope my makeup look like Fairy from Japan. lol 

 There's a young girl in a castle, and they found a fairy dust and change her life being fairy.  
 ~ ~ ~ ~
About fairy makeup.. I'm using Color Eye Stick Bling In The Sea with 2 colors, first I'm using pink color,and the second is blue color. For the makeup I just focus on my eyes, cause the color is very nice and have a glitter, my eyes looks more bright. And I just put a thin eyeliner for making a line. 

 MakeUp Product ?
 Eyeshadow : Etude House Stick Blink In The Sea 
Eyeliner : Maybeline 
Lipstick : Revlon
Eyelashe : No brand
Blush on : Revlon
Eyeline under eyes: NYX White
Foundation : Max Factor
Concelear : Max Factor
Eyebrow : Dolly Wink

I'm using cream with pink flowery dress, flower crown, and as a sweetener I coloring my nail with a flower design. (design by me)

Althought this fairy can't fly, but in the end fairy found a prince who can accept him for what it is and...

The End

Thank you for reading  :*


Belliani Bebe said...

Mahkota bunga dan nail artnya bagus banget.
Semua bikin sendiri??

Skinny Doll said...

Hii belli.. Makasii yaa.. Really happy. Untuk mahkotanya aku beli, ada di instagramku nama tokonya. Kalau nail artnya iya aku design sendiri. :D

Belliani Bebe said...

req tutorial nail art donk.. soalnya bagus nail artnya. suka ma bunga-bunganya..

Skinny Doll said...

@Belli Oke dear kapan" aku share cara design flower nail art. Thank you for the request. ;)

Belliani Bebe said...

Makasi Shirra..
Ditunggu tutorialnya
Oh ya..yang pake baju item itu, aku pake foundi merk MAke Over. Make Over itu buatan Indo loh. Pasti mudah ditemukan di MAtahari/Sogo gitu.

Belliani Bebe said...

Makasi Shirra..
Ditunggu tutorialnya
Oh ya..yang pake baju item itu, aku pake foundi merk MAke Over. Make Over itu buatan Indo loh. Pasti mudah ditemukan di MAtahari/Sogo gitu.

Skinny Doll said...

Oh iya aku prnh liat counter nya di f(x) tpi blm prnh coba, klo liat dri km bagus yah. (´⌣`ʃƪ)